Get Involved

Get Plugged In!

There are so many ways to be involved with Kingdom work at Southwest. We host an array of events for our congregation and community. Check our ministries page to see what cool things are happening here!


Southwest is blessed with active families, of various ages, who are involved in a number of activities. Each season of life presents different challenges and blessings. It is our goal to be strengthened by number and through encouraging one another. No matter the phase of life, we have something to offer for you here. They say it takes a village; we pray you’ll come be part of ours!

Young Adults

Our young adults are such an important group to have at Southwest. We understand it can feel awkward to transition from “Youth Group” to “Where do I belong?”. We encourage our young adults to grow together in faith, mentor the youth, and be intentional during this new phase of life. Our aim is to remove the awkward doubts of feeling like you don’t belong, and assist in learning to share Jesus every step of the way. Come hang out and see what this group has to offer. We’d love meet you!


Our S.A.M (Senior Adult Ministry) group is for those who are empty-nesters and/or “young at heart”. We typically say it’s for age 55+, but there are no restrictions on being part of this loving group. We want to make the most of the time God has granted us. We are an active group who make several trips a year to popular destinations and attractions, and also spend time serving locally in our community.

group of southwest church of christ attenders at christmas party